Camila Martínez Encina


Her practice has been mainly focused on environmental compliance matters, in cases of high technical complexity, advising on mining projects, landfills, renewable energy projects.
All this within the framework of advising clients in matters of preventive and reactive environmental compliance, preparing compliance programs, attending meetings with authorities (SMA, CMN, DGA, etc.), defending in sanctioning procedures, claims before courts, preparing minutes of analysis of practical application of the law, preparing compliance and environmental risk matrices. Training clients on current regulations, from management to operations groups, in matters of environmental crimes and general environmental compliance.

Camila provides environmental compliance advice from a comprehensive, preventive, agile and creative perspective. With a high level of specialization, detail, thoroughness and reality criteria, after working for years in the public and private sector. She has 11 years of experience in environmental compliance, inspection and sanctioning.
She worked for 7 years in the Sanction and Compliance Division of the Superintendence of the Environment, as an Instructing Prosecutor, leading cases of high technical/legal complexity and also participated in the legal coordination of teams of the same Division. Afterwards, she did her postgraduate studies at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and upon her return to Chile, she did consultancies for the Newenko Foundation, in the framework of Escenarios Hídricos 2030, CEPAL and ENVIRO, and then joined Eelaw in 2021.
In Eelaw she worked as senior associate and Director of the Environmental Compliance Area, working with clients mainly related to the mining sector, landfills and renewable energies, in matters of environmental compliance, administrative sanctioning law, compliance, water resources, regulatory training, among others.

  • Lawyer, Bachelor of Laws and Social Sciences, Universidad de Chile.
  • Master in Advanced Studies in Public Law, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
  • Diploma in Economic, Cultural, Social and Environmental Rights, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Diploma in Environmental Project Planning, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering.

    Advanced courses:
  • Course on NCRE Project Development, Universidad de Chile, year 2023.
    Course on Climate Change, given by UAbierta, Universidad de Chile, year 2020.
  • Course on Negotiation Techniques, given for the DSC of the Superintendence of Environment, year 2017.
  • Course on Forms of Incentive to compliance, taught by Professor Jaime Arancibia Mattar, for the DSC of the Superintendence of the Environment, year 2016.
  • Course on Risk in Chilean Environmental Law, taught by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, for the Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente, year 2016.
  • Course on Toxicology, given for the DSC of the Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente, year 2016.
  • Course referred to the Evidence in the Administrative Sanctioning Procedure, given for the DSC of the Superintendence of the Environment, year 2016.
  • Course on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, regulations and social dialogue, United Nations Program, 2015.
  • Course on Administrative Sanctioning Law, taught by the University of Chile, for the DSC of the Superintendence of the Environment, 2015
  • 2021-2024: Eelaw, Senior Associate, Environmental Compliance Area Director.
  • 2021: Newenko Foundation – IDB, “New Water Institutionality” Project. Independent consultancies for CEPAL and ENVIRO.
  • 2013-2021: Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente, Sanction and Compliance Division, Instructing Prosecutor and Legal Coordinator.
  • 2012- 2013: Eelaw, Junior Associate.
  • 2011-2012: Thomson Reuters, Legal Publishing, Analysis of jurisprudence in matters of water resources and crimes against property.
  • 2011: CDA, University of Chile. Participates in consultancy for the Ministry of Environment, Project on invasive alien species and overlapping of competences between sectoral agencies.
  • 2010: United Nations Program, GEF “SNAP” Project, external consultant.
  • 2009: Attorney, Albagli and Zaliasnik law firm in labor matters.
  • The Legal 500 Latinoamérica: Chile. Medio Ambiente, año 2025, Leading associates.
  • Professor in Master in Natural Resources and Environmental Law, Universidad Finis Terrae, year 2024, modules of Sectorial and Environmental Permits and Environmental Damage.
  • Professor in Diploma in Environmental Planning of Projects, taught by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering, module “Indigenous Conflict”. Year 2015 to 2018.
  • Assistant to Professor Ximena Insunza Corvalán, in the Master of Environmental Law of the Faculty of Law, University of Chile, module “Environmental Oversight”, integrating knowledge of the reform of environmental institutions, the work of the Superintendence of the Environment and Environmental Courts. Year 2014.
  • CANDIA P. and MARTÍNEZ C. 2024. “Attempts against the Environment in the Law of Economic Crimes: Review and Reflections from the Perspective of Environmental Law”. In: Anuario de Derecho Público 2023, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, Domingo Lovera Parmo, Tamara Carrera and María José Jara […et. al]/ First Edition, August 2024, pp. 237-264.
  • HABËRLE C. and MARTÍNEZ C. (2024, July 26). “Tensión entre el Derecho Ambiental y el Penal: caso Crudo Iraní”. El Mercurio Legal,
  • DORTA A. and MARTÍNEZ C. (2023, December 29). “Deber de asistencia en la LO-SMA”. El Mercurio Legal,
  • MARTÍNEZ C.; MUÑOZ C. and YÁÑEZ N. 2022. “Reform to the Water Code. Desafíos en la implementación de la función de preservación ecosistémica del agua desde un enfoque ambiental”. In: Costa Cordella, E., Celume Byrne, T., and Belenmi Baeza, V. (2023). Drought and water scarcity: institutional and regulatory improvements in water IV Jornadas del régimen jurídico de las aguas.
  • CANDIA P.; JULIO N., MARTÍNEZ C., et al. 2022. “Multilevel water governance and creation of basin organizations. Elementos de institucionalidad para avanzar hacia la seguridad hídrica en Chile”. In: Costa Cordella, E., Celume Byrne, T., and Belenmi Baeza, V. (2023). Sequía y escasez hídrica: mejoras institucionales y regulatorias en materia de aguas IV Jornadas del régimen jurídico de las aguas.
  • MARTÍNEZ C., and WALKER P. 2018. “Review of criteria for the determination of Environmental Damage in the water component”. In: Costa Cordella, E., Montenegro Arriagada, S. and Belemmi Baeza, V. (2019). Water regulation: new challenges of the 21st century. Proceedings of the II Jornadas del régimen jurídico de las aguas. DER Ediciones. Available at
  • MARTÍNEZ C. and MEDINA A., 2017. “Desafíos en torno al Relacionamiento Comunitario en el marco del cumplimiento de la Licencia Ambiental en Chile”. In: VERGARA R., QUINZIO C.,
  • OLIVARES M. (Eds.). Actas de las VII, XIII y XV Jornadas de Derecho de Minería. Pp. 631-652. Available at:
  • MARTÍNEZ C. and TORRES P. 2014. “Comments on the Regulatory Framework applicable to Xerophytic Formations”. In:
  • MONTENEGRO S., ARANDA J., INSUNZA X., et. al (Eds.). Actas de las VII Jornadas de Derecho Ambiental, “Recurso Naturales: ¿Sustentabilidad o Sobreexplotación?, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile. Available at:
  • CANNONI L., MARTÍNEZ C., TORRES P., 2014. “Limitations to Property Rights over Aquaculture Concessions”. In:
  • MONTENEGRO S., ARANDA J., INSUNZA X., et. al (Eds.). Actas de las VII Jornadas de Derecho Ambiental, “Recurso Naturales: ¿Sustentabilidad o Sobreexplotación?, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile. Available at: