Doria Gallardo Campillay


I have a great interest in environmental law and environmental compliance. I have worked in the area of environmental compliance, providing support in responding to requests for information from government agencies, defence in administrative sanctioning procedures and I have provided technical support to clients in the elaboration of Compliance Programmes.

I have a great interest in environmental law and environmental compliance. I have worked in the area of environmental compliance, providing support in responding to requests for information from government agencies, defence in administrative sanctioning procedures and I have provided technical support to clients in the elaboration of Compliance Programmes.Empathy and integrity characterize my work and relationships with clients and peers.
  • Lawyer, Diego Portales University
  • Diploma in Administrative Sanctioning Law Version VI, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
  • Refresher Course on Environmental Criminal Liability, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
  • 2021-October 2024: Eelaw Environment, Energy and Legal Consultancies
  • 2022-present: Assistant to the Political Institutions and Constitutional Organic Law Branch 2022 Universidad Andrés Bello, Professor Antonio Leiva R.
  • 2022-present: Assistant of the branch Fundamental Rights Universidad Andrés Bello, Professor Antonio Leiva R.
  • 2019-2021: Teaching Assistant in Administrative Law (I) and (II), Patricia Miranda Arratia, Universidad Diego Portales